Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Motion for Ameera

We created this motif of Ameera on Motion. We decided to choose different colours for each character. We chose green for Ameera to symbolize envy, red for Kareem to symbolize danger and blue to represent Skyvez's male nature and violent behaviour. The purpose of these motifs is to make the audience familiar with the character's names and relationships in the soap. The motifs are presented after a few quick shots of them in the trailer. We only did three Motifs of the three main characters, however there are other characters included in the soap.

1 comment:

  1. Shihab, Rejaul & Hind- Research & Planning Feedback 4

    • Look at Hyder’s group’s blog & the way that they have added in posts of their edit process, together with videos of audience feedback and commented on all of these. You should be doing similar stuff by getting screen grabs of the Final Cut & Motion interfaces and discussing different aspects of your film (ie effects, timing, any issues with footage etc).

    • With you Motion motif videos, make sure that you discuss the reasons behind these and what they were trying to achieve (and remove the stills post of them earlier on).

    • Make sure that you write in one type of font and that all the writing is aligned to the left, rather than centre, as it looks better, and all the same colour! Also, make sure that you are organising your posts so that key things link together, such as having all the inspiration posts earlier on your blog.

    • Your storyboard is very short and some of the shots are hard to see, either because of the light or the drawings are too faint. With your skills as an artist, it’s a shame if this storyboard isn’t great! Again, compare your animatic to Hyder’s and you’ll see what I mean.

    • Have a summarising paragraph for your questionnaire results, saying what you have found out and how this information will help the construction of your soap trailer.

    • PLEASE WORK ON YOUR SOAP TRAILER ANALYSES, AS OUTLINED HERE- Must be more explicit when looking at conventions used in soap trailers, posters & magazines. Make sure you add at least a paragraph that focuses on summarising how the trailer you are analysing follows/subverts common conventions. (such as use of music, pace, single or multiple narratives, linear or non-linear structure, hyper-dramatised, surreal or self-parody in terms of style -eg Eastenders Roxy & Peggy ones). If you need help with this, or if this is unclear, speak to me.

    • You need to embed a link to the one of the Holyoaks trailers and add in an image for Choice magazine front cover.


    • Discuss your finished channel ident in detail, linking it to your brand identity etc. This doesn’t have to be long, as you’ve done this earlier too.

    • Upload your original images for the poster (not just the best one, but a selection of all of them), outlining what you were trying to achieve with the shoot etc and which ones you think you will use. Again, add in reasons why and link to your brand identity. Have a look at this blog from Long Road Media to see this done well:

    • Also add in your new music. Again with reasons why you want to use these.

    • Keep adding in the ‘diary’ of events, including editing, evaluation etc that you’re working on now.

    • Analyse one of the students’ posters & magazine reviews from last year, noting areas of strength/weakness and how you will look to create your own with this in mind.

    • Upload/embed fully finished poster, magazine & film. Again, if possible, get audience feedback on all of these (this can be done on video or just as quotes from people/youtube comments etc). Audience feedback is a bit weak for you and you should focus on getting more for your products, both the rough and completed versions.

    • Once you have finished them, you need to add on the powerpoint slides from your evaluation, under the heading for each key question (so four different posts), together with some bullet pointed notes on what you are going to discuss in your evaluation. As well as this, you will need to add in your completed evaluation commentary once finalised.

    • You can gain a couple more marks if you follow ALL of these points above.

    Shihab- 16- Low Level 4- A
    Rejaul- 16- Low Level 4- A
    Hind- 16- Low level 4- A
