Monday, 13 September 2010

Synopsis of Kareem soap Trailer

This trailer is about a teenage boy, living in today's London society, where ethnic minorities are overly populated in the inner city, because of this, young boys are influenced over rap and hip-hop, this glamorized life about drug dealing and committing. Everyone wants to up their credit and achieve the title of being a top gangster.  Kareem is from a Muslim background, both of his parents are extremely religious people and only want good for him, by day his a caring loving Muslim, by night he’s a cold hearted criminal affiliated with gang culture. In our trailer you will see various shots of him doing good and at the same time doing bad, but there’s a lot more to it, you see him ducking and diving reality as he doesn’t know who he is.  He has a split persona as he lives like two different people, among his mates you see him acting like a thug on the other hand with his family around you see the more spiritual, innocent side to him. You could say he’s in a war with himself as he doesn’t know which path to take, his religion or his street reputation.

The trailer consist of short scenes where we see Kareem struggling to live up the expectation of being a thug, because he knows what he's doing is wrong, we see his mates detecting a difference in his attitude and behaviour and start worrying he may be up to something behind their back. E.g. associating with another gang. In the opening scene we see Kareem finishing prayer, we see the camera zoom in onto the mirror as he start switching his clothes, putting away the Islamic garments and putting on his decretive clothes. This is to show the contrast of him transforming into some thug, this is where we see the personality being split in two through mise en scene. As our trailer progresses we see two sides of his story, we see other story lines such as Kareem’s girlfriend how he tries to avoid her because of him striving to be a good Muslim, yet this is not quite the reason, as we see further on its because he’s too busy trying to find what he really wants and in the process ends up doing more crime. Ameera is constantly being avoided by Kareem and so she is forced to show up at his home and follow him around to find out what he is up to. Just when you think that’s bad enough Kareem is always being hassled with phone calls from his so called friend Fatez and co to meet up and endure in their crime fest nights.  However his family are not aware of any of this and his older brother Jamal, a very faithful, obeying young man absolutely believes Kareem is doing the right thing and constantly praises Kareem adding pressure to making him want to make his family proud.

Our music has been altered many times until we came to a final decision we initially started off with a "requiem for a dream" sample based instrumental that would of  started our trailer with a impact, however we thought this would be too fast paced and didn’t link with our shots as our soap trailer has times where the audience need to understand clearly on what's happening. We ended up considering at least 6 different instrumentals that were made by unsigned people, we came to a conclusion on using a final instrumental that suited our trailer perfectly with the right pace and the melody which fits in with both Kareem’s bad personality and good personality.

 We see a selection of background shots to emphasize that urban reality and the locations at the same time so it's more understandable to the audience. Lighting gets darker when he is being the ‘Bad Kareem’ and get brighter when he is the ‘Good Kareem’. These both present the evil and innocent sides of Kareem. All the characters are involved in our trailer to make our audience familiar with which character is who and how they relate to Kareem. Their are on screen texts to identify character’s names and urban music with very intense beats to contradict with the innocent scenes of Kareem but fit in at the same time as we know it links with his character. The trailer gives a sense of emotion that cannot be described due to the several shifts in emotions you feel towards him. The audience sympathize with him but may also think he’s stupid to not know what choice to make. Having an urban audience is interesting to see the different sides in their lives and which they agree with and which they disagree with. I believe many people will be able to relate to it as this is our impact. We tried really hard to make it as realistic as possible.

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