Friday, 17 September 2010

Kareem Magazine Cover

This our magazine front cover that we have created. We have thought about sticking to the conventions of typical soap magazines, the layout of this magazine had been created by looking and analysing different soap magazines produced by TV choice. The image in the middle is the direct address which is Kareem from our soap trailer. The main cover line on the magazine front page is Kareem this allows our soap trailer to be recognised right away. The mast head on the front page is by U3. TV we have been influenced by TV choice the way the mast head had  been placed behind the Main cover line. We have done this so that it shows, even if the Mast head is covered people will still be able to recognise that it is by U3.TV. For example the TV choice magazine has the Masthead covered behind the Main cover line this shows their magazine is that known.
For our magazine like other typical magazines, we also used the bright lure and made it cheaper than the others. The price is stated at only 37p this will allow people to think that it is cheap and buy it.  There are also other cover lines in the magazine which allow our magazine to become more interesting as it includes other soaps and whats happening. This will interest the reader as they will be able to see what is happening for that week.
The magazine will be colourful using bright colours this will drag attention to the magazine out of all the magazines out there. The bright lure will have distinctive colours which will allow it to stand out.
The magazine also has another Main cover line placed underneath the direct address stating 'will they find out', this will leave people thinking about this new soap trailer and they will have the urge to watch the soap to find out what is meant by that statement.
Over all this magazine has the conventions of a typical magazine front cover, the magazine should interest our target audience before any other audiences out there. Our target market will able to pick up this magazine and relate to the direct address or the cover lines which is stated around it. We think that sticking to the typical layout and conventions of a magazine we will be able to get recognised more as the people who may not be our target audience may pick it up one day thinking it is their regular magazine and that is when they may be interested in watching the soap that we will provide.

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