Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Soap Trailer Analysis of Eastenders - Ronnie and Danielle BBC One

The trailer of Eastenders was very emotional; this was conveyed through some of the dramatic scenes shown in the trailer along with the soundtrack. The shots pretty much told the storyline, props, costume and location gave us an idea of where they were and what was happening .It was edited for continuity and everything made sense, the audience automatically knew they were at a wedding and Ronnie was arguing with her long lost daughter. Costume showed they were at a celebration. The storyline was set all in The Vic, an iconic place which is known for its drama. We see lots of characters involved in the trailer and how they are all included and affected in some way by the storyline. Soaps often have multiple narratives running through each episode and even through individual trailers; this trailer however offers another conventional approach, by having one singular narrative that encompasses several characters. The soundtrack was very slow and forebodes a somewhat tragic ending; the calmness of the music is contrasted by the loud, confrontational conflict between the characters. This puts a huge impact on the audience and draws them into the reality of family confrontations. Again, we see a key convention of soaps exploited here- that of real-life drama, an aspect that deals with, and tends to appeal most to, working class families.

Editing was at a fairly slow pace, however the very strong scenes kept the excitement in the trailer. There are a lot of mid shots, from the shoulders upwards, bringing us close to the characters and making us sympathise with them, and the music also helped us get emotionally involved. The opening shot was of Danielle placing her locket on the table, the low angle, close up shot of her face doesn’t make her look powerful but however it highlight he vulnerability and fear, this is highlighted by her facial expressions. The slow motion shot of Ronnie contrasts with Danielle’s vulnerability as Ronnie looks very confident, happy and powerful at the beginning of the trailer, whereas by the end we sympathise with her as she is left looking lost, confused and shocked. The locket is mentioned and presented right at the beginning of the trailer; it signifies the truth, which is not seen by Ronnie till the very end of the trailer. I like the idea of how props are used as a symbol and become a strong position in the storyline.

In our trailer we will use the same theme of focusing on one storyline and use different locations, both external and internal. We loved the use of different camera shots and how they reflected on characters feelings at certain moments in the soap. Our editing will definetely be much faster and so will our music as its goig to be more of a young, upbeat, actionfilled trailer. We will also being using dialogue. Im not quite sure our costume will be anywhere near the characters in this soap as our theme and genre is quite different. We want to have the same storyline structure of Eastenders, however we want to create it in our style and with our conventions of a urban soap trailer.

Posted By U3.TV

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